Mo-Di, Do-Sa, 11:00 - 18:00

Lose weight

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New momentum - get slim while you sleep - losing weight has never been so cheap!

Gain new verve, flexibility and elegance. Make a decision about what weight you want to have.
There are many weight loss products and you have probably tried some diets. Controlling weight is very individual, everyone likes a different diet, your body digests your food differently than others.
Therefore, here is a compilation of food combinations and nutritional supplements that allow you to put together your own individual path to a lighter body feeling. Control your weight with these products from around the world - easy to order - and be slim, fit and peppy.

The recipes and treatments presented here are examples only and are not intended as a substitute for a visit to your trusted medical practitioner or the healing practice. The information collected has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief, yet we accept no liability for any damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the use of the medicinal herbs, fruits, seeds or roots presented here and their applications.