Why not start your kombucha culture with heart?
Small Kombucha hearts to start your own Kombucha culture.
For those who do not yet know so much about the kombucha mushroom, here is an opportunity to learn more.
We gladly refer in addition to this text to the many (once read) books in our product range about it.
Kombucha drink will cost you only about 20 cents (for water, tea and sugar). With good and loving care, the mushroom will continue to divide and rejuvenate - and accompany you for as long as you want.
Start drinking kombucha slowly to get your body used to the new drink.
Try it with 3 shot glasses daily and increase slowly.
Here is a brief summary of the most important facts about this legendary creature
Being between mushroom and lichen: Kombucha
The Kombucha tea fungus has been around for thousands of years, and its health benefits have helped so many people recover that it is revered worldwide as an elixir of well-being.
It magically transforms almost any tea into a delicious, tangy beverage rich in natural enzymes, vitamins and other vital substances. The numerous ingredients of the (herbal) tea selected for fermentation are not only preserved, but enhanced. Even Paracelsus enhanced many of his herbal medicine extracts through fermentation.
Kombucha is inexpensive
The beauty of kombucha is that it is inexpensive, because you only buy a kobucha heart in preparation liquid once and can make the drink yourself immediately.
That way you always have it fresh and don't have to buy a pasteurized drink in a supermarket that doesn't even taste that similar to a freshly made kombucha drink.
All you need is sugar and herbal, green or black tea.
You place the kombucha heart in the tea-sugar solution in an open container, cover it with a cloth, put the whole thing in a quiet, warm place and wait 8 to 12 days.
Voilá - your top class health drink is ready.
The newly grown kombucha lies on the surface of the drink, you wash it off with cool water, keep only the light parts and use it to prepare your next week's ration.
The resulting drink is tasty, sparkles like Prosecco, is a little sour - depending on the state of maturity - and tastes like "storm" or "cider" or apple cider, but has a very low alcohol content.
Kombucha refreshes, invigorates and does good things for your health.
You know exactly what ingredients are in your natural, sustainable, organic drink because you put them in yourself. The result is a small cosmos of microorganisms that optimally support your body in its functions.
You now own a sustainable organism whose purchase will quickly pay for itself, because your Kombucha will grow and thrive gratefully and continuously under your loving hands.
Where does the Kombucha tea mushroom come from?
It has been around for so long that there are several stories about it.
One of the stories says that in the 4th century A.D., a Korean itinerant doctor named Kombu used it to cure the Japanese Emperor Inkyo of a severe stomach ailment, after which word of this healing success spread quickly and everyone wanted this drink.
And so it is to this day.
Kombucha (pronounced kombuh-tscha) thus got its name.
But maybe it was like other stories say: that the name "Kombucha" comes from Japanese. "Kombu" is the name given in Japan to an alga that has been made from straw kelp, eaten or prepared as tea for centuries. "Cha" means tea, so "kombucha" means "algae tea." This algae tea has nothing to do with the tea fungus Kombucha, but could have been the eponym for today's Kombucha.
However, it probably originated thousands of years ago, because people, since they mastered fire, heated water and threw herbs into it, sweet herbs, fruits that contained sugar, and certainly they added honey.
People have always been creative, and at some point such a tea pot probably stood in the warm for a longer time and then this mushroom lichen formed on it and they drank from it and felt splendid afterwards, told others about it and from then on they guarded this treasure.
They discovered how to cultivate and grow it and since then it has spread around the globe and is appreciated and loved everywhere.
It was already handed down in ancient China around 2200 years ago, when the drink was already used to become "immortal" - in other words, to live a long, healthy life in well-being and strength.
Anyway - Kombucha is a faithful companion of people, and certainly for thousands of years.
The important thing is that it is tasty, easy to care for, and beneficial to health.
Kombucha came to us as a fermented drink via the eastern countries: via Russia, India, Japan.
Kombucha is easy to make by oneself and in the course of time it got funny names like "miracle mushroom", "magic mushroom", "Japanese mother", "hero mushroom", "Russian flower" or "Medusa tea", because Kombucha lives on and on and hardly resents anything except too hot water.
For a while it was no longer common in Europe, but some time ago it came back into the collective consciousness via celebrities from the VIP scene and is now celebrated again as it always has been, simultaneously as a fitness drink, a wellness drink that helps with weight loss, boosts the metabolism, a power drink and an ancient fermented beverage, as a product that carries the joy of DIY and as a pure, unadulterated natural drink.
Celebrities like Madonna, Claudia Schiffer, Barbara Streisand and Naomi Campbell drink it with pleasure and promote their well-being.
The news magazine "Focus" writes: "The mecca of the film industry and beauty fanatics has chosen kombucha juice as the new source of eternal youth."
And even the renowned "New York Times" has already raved about the tea fungus.
What is different with what you can buy in stores as "Kombucha drink?
At around €5 per liter, you are buying a drink that had to be pasteurized so that it stays the same and does not continue to ferment.
Because if it were to continue fermenting, it would become more and more acidic and would eventually become a healthy, but no longer tasty vinegar.
Pasteurization is therefore necessary so that the beverage is no longer biologically active.
It is precisely the biological activity, the living, that is so beneficial to health.
So in the supermarket you buy a largely killed - or "neutered" drink.
So you'd better cultivate your own kombucha and retain control over its taste and degree of ripeness.
It's fun, the resulting drink tastes better, and it's more vital than the ready-bought one in the beverage store.
And you can enjoy its amazing ability to regenerate and adapt, it never tastes the same, because something you will always do differently.
After the one-time purchase of an original Kombucha tea mushroom, a liter of Kombucha drink will cost you only about 20 cents (for water, tea and sugar).
With good and careful care, the mushroom will continue to divide and rejuvenate - and accompany you for a lifetime.
Here's another frequently asked question:
Can I drink too much of it?
On the contrary - drink to your heart's content!
The drink created by the fermentation of the Kombucha mushroom is a wholesome and beneficial food.
In our books we usually read about recommended to drink 3 small glasses, "Stamperl" or maximum champagne glasses of 0.1 liters. In other books it says 2 times a day 0.2 liters. However, many drink much more of it, some do a Kombucha.cure, in which they drink 1.2 liters of it daily and eat nothing in addition, in order to purify and regenerate.
Do your own experiments, your body will tell you how much it wants and what it is fine with!
Try it on an empty stomach, drink kombucha with and after meals.
Some substances in kombucha tea are more easily digested on an empty stomach, others are more easily digested in combination with other foods.
All instructions and statements here are carefully researched and tested by us, and presented here to the best of our knowledge. However, we do not assume any liability for possible damages and accidents. Please handle this information responsibly and use your experience in the correct and safe handling of Food.